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Mad Man

Nicole Brayden Gifts is a family of gift brands that represents the American dream. Established in 1989, they have evolved into a global operation, proudly based in Solon, Ohio. Mad Man is their men’s line inspired by a broad range of all the latest trends in men’s gifts including tech, games, barware, jewelry, grooming, home decor, travel, and more. They are dedicated to offering innovative products that keep your store fresh and exciting, helping you create an enjoyable shopping experience for your customers.

This vendor is represented in the following states. Click your state to connect with your Territory Manager.

Min. $250.00 re-order $100.00

All major CC’s, certified checks, money orders

Terms prepaid until credit approval. First order credit card or certified check.

10% charge for orders under $100

BO’s under $35 cancelled. BO’s $35+ will be charged freight.